Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 4, 2012

Some quick tips for visiting Angkor Wat

 Without doubt, the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia are among the most beautiful and evocative touristic sights in the world.Here are some helpful notes before visiting Angkor Wat.

Find cheap accommodation in Seamreap

Spending a couple of days in Siem Reap is highly recommended. The hostel beds start at U.S. $ 1 per night and hotel rooms from $ 4 for a double. Spending $ 10 per night, tourists can also find a superior hotel in the town center, or they can choose extra luxury with prices starting at$ 300 for a double room.

Means of transportation for Angkor Wat
The temples cover a vast area, so choosing one from of the following options:
Rent bycles from your hotels: The price of it ranges from US$ 1 to US$ 3 per day. Going around 30km of road, in a very humid and very hot climate, thus it is quite fun but requires effort and sweat to visit around the complex. Another option which helps you save your time better is motorcycle taxi (price from US$ 6 to US$ 10 per day). Tuk – tuks might be the best choice for tourists for groups of two persons. The local driver will be very helpful for you during your trip. With price US$ 10 to US$ 15 for whole day (driver included), you can travel to anywhere you want.  

Travel ticket

There are three types of tickets: daily, 3 days and weekly. Depending on the length of trip, the price is from US$ 20 to US$ 60. Therefore, tourists should bring small US$ for buying ticket faster and your ticket with the printed photo on it, easier. The ticket will allow the entry to the site from as early as 5 am (for seeing sunrise) to late after 6 pm (for seeing sunset), thus do not miss returning the temple for capturing wonderful moments of Angkor Wat

 Check your necessary luggage:
Imagine a day walking around the complex in humid conditions. Please ensure that you bring necessary luggage such as walking shoes, hat, sun glasses and water. Also, do not forget your camera with charged batteries.  
Related information

Angkor Wat tour

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